Sun and sea. How to protect your skin during the hot season?

What are SPF, UVA and UVB? How to choose the right sunscreen? Is tan harmful? Is sea water healthy?
Why does our skin need sun protection?
When a person is exposed to the sun, infrared and ultraviolet rays affect the surface of his body. But the result of this influence is different.
The effect of IR radiation disappears as soon as the effect of irradiation stops.
Infrared radiation is also called thermal radiation, since infrared radiation from heated objects is perceived by the human skin as a sensation of warmth.
IR rays cause a rush of blood to the surface layers of the skin, an increase in its temperature and redness. Infrared rays make up the bulk of solar radiation. These rays reach the deep layers of the skin.

There are two types of ultraviolet radiation: A and B.

Exposure to UV radiation has a latent period and may appear several hours after exposure.

• UVA activates the production of melanin - responsible for the darkening of the skin and the appearance of a quick tan. Penetrating deep into the skin, this type of ultraviolet damages the cells responsible for the production of collagen and elastin. There is a so-called photoaging, a dangerous consequence can be skin cancer.

UVA rays penetrate glass and are practically not blocked by clouds.

Of course, the human body provides protection against radiation. However, the negative effects of UVA on the skin tend to accumulate. 50-60% of UVA rays are able to penetrate deep into the skin.

• UVB stimulates the production of melanin, which tans the skin. It activates the process of cell division of the upper layer of the skin, contributing to an increase in its thickness. This increases the protection of the skin from the sun. But intense and prolonged exposure to ultraviolet type B leads to sunburn of the skin and the formation of blisters. 90% of type B rays are blocked by the top layer of the skin.

The effect is manifested from 10 hours to 3-4 days.

What kind of radiation is dangerous for the skin?
Дезодорант — блокирует размножение бактерий. В его составе можно встретить бактерицидные компоненты: мощный триклозан, фарнезол, который действует мягче триклозана и не вызывает раздражения, а также спирт — он уничтожает бактерии, но сушит кожу. Должны быть и ухаживающие вещества, которые предотвращают раздражение: экстракты растений, эфирные масла, витамины, увлажняющие компоненты. Антиперспирант - содержит антиперспирантные активные вещества – обычно это соли алюминия и цинка – которые уменьшают потоотделение из потовых желез, образуя в самой верхней части потовых пор временные гелевые пробки. Постепенно эти пробки исчезают в результате механического воздействия и естественного процесса обновления кожи. Соли алюминия используются в производстве антиперспирантов уже более ста лет. Антиперспиранты, содержащие этиловый спирт, помогают активному ингредиенту быстрее высохнуть на поверхности кожи, а также создают приятное ощущение прохлады, но спирт может вызвать сухость. Для борьбы с неприятным запахом тела некоторые дезодоранты–антиперспиранты содержат противомикробные препараты. Некоторые антиперспиранты также содержат ухаживающие за кожей компоненты, чтобы увлажнить кожу и сделать её мягкой наощупь.

Tan is the skin's reaction to radiation damage. Despite the fact that the skin has an "innate" ability to protect itself from the sun, the protective systems are still not able to cope with prolonged exposure to the rays.

Infrared radiation is not only good for our body, it needs it. With a lack of infrared rays, immunity suffers.

The worst thing for the skin is UV radiation. It not only contributes to skin aging and lowers immunity, but can also lead to the degeneration of moles into melanoma (skin cancer).

At the same time, in certain doses, UV radiation is beneficial for the body, which allows it to be used for prevention and treatment, as well as for the destruction of bacteria in indoor air.

SPF stands for "Sun Protection Factor"
To prevent the undesirable effect of the sun on your skin, it must be protected. To do this, there are various skin care products with special substances that protect against the penetration of ultraviolet radiation into the upper layer of the skin. Each product for the skin with such protection indicates the number of units of this factor.

Good sunscreens - are able to protect the skin from both types of ultraviolet radiation. But no product can provide 100% protection.
It is important to know that in summer you can get sunburned even in cloudy weather, as ultraviolet passes through the clouds.

There are two types of sunscreens: with a mineral or physical protective filter and with a chemical filter.
Minerals include zinc or titanium dioxide. They are thick, more suitable for sensitive skin. They act as a shield, reflecting UV rays.
Products with a chemical protective filter act on a deeper level. The composition of such cosmetics contains active ingredients: octinoxate, avobenzone and oxybenzone. Such products are usually easier to apply to the skin, they are more water resistant. They act like a sponge and absorb ultraviolet light.

Some sunscreens have both protection filters.

All natural sunscreens are ineffective - their maximum degree of protection does not exceed six.
Like any other cosmetics, SPF cream has an expiration date that needs to be monitored. Usually, the shelf life of such a tool is 2-3 years. However, it is recommended to buy a new cream every season.
Sun protection comes in varying degrees of intensity.

The SPF 50 index means that when applied to the skin, it will withstand UV radiation 50 times more intense. But that doesn't mean you can stay under the sun 50 times longer with a smear on than without sunscreen.
It is important to remember that
The sun does not “shine the same for everyone”! Its activity varies by region. In areas closer to the equator, the rays fall at a right angle - their impact is especially dangerous and detrimental to the skin.
Among the means of protection there are creams, lotions, sprays, gels, powders, etc. The choice of a particular type of sunscreen depends on personal preferences, skin type, time spent under the sun. Any product will work just fine as long as you apply enough of it.

2 teaspoons of sunscreen is required to completely cover the face, arms and neck. And 2 tablespoons - for the whole body. Reducing the amount of cream or uneven distribution will significantly reduce the level of protection.
Different skin types react differently to solar activity.
In some people, especially white-skinned and red-haired people, freckles appear on their faces in the spring - age spots. Not a single cream can stop this process 100%, but sunscreen will help weaken it.

How to choose a sunscreen for your skin type?

In addition to SPF protection, creams may contain caring and moisturizing ingredients.

For people with oily skin, it is better to use sunscreens with a light structure: lotions, fluids, emulsions with a drying effect and without oil. Sunscreen with a mineral filter should be used with care. For example, zinc oxide is a good antiseptic, it fights inflammation, but titanium dioxide in high concentration clogs the pores of the skin.
Dry skin needs hydration and good nutrition. UV protection products must not contain alcohol.
For skin sensitive to irritation, sunscreens with the highest protective factor, but without substances that can cause allergies, are needed. Therefore, choose a sunscreen with a physical protection filter. Suitable products with a light texture: fluid, emulsion, milk with SPF 50+ protection. You can use sunscreens for children.
Not only our body needs protection from the sun.
Lips, hair and eyelids also need to be protected from the negative effects of the sun.

The skin around the eyes is thin. Eye creams with SPF can be a huge help in preventing premature wrinkles, fine lines, and pigmentation.
Eye products undergo additional ophthalmological control, which eliminates irritation of this sensitive area. However, products for the skin around the eyes with SPF are rare.

Lips are also susceptible to harmful UV rays. There is practically no melanin in them, which explains the special vulnerability. The sun can dry out the lips, causing the skin on the lips to crack.

Hair needs protection just as much as anything else. Under the influence of UV rays, they not only quickly lose color. UV light dries out hair, making it dull and brittle. During the period of solar activity, it is better to use special sprays and oils.
Are sunscreens harmful? Are they contraindicated for children?
Использование антиперспирантов не влияет на терморегуляцию организма. Общая площадь подмышек составляет примерно 200 cm2, то есть около 1% всей поверхности тела. Эта область слишком мала, чтобы она могла нарушить терморегуляцию всего организма.
There is an increasing question about the safety of sunscreen.
As for the damage to the skin, there is no concrete evidence that sunscreen causes cancer, and there never has been. Skin cancer and premature aging are caused by sun exposure. So, if you are tormented by doubts, then make a choice in favor of sunscreen.
There are people who believe that SPF products are contraindicated for children, as they can cause negative consequences, both now and in the future.

On the contrary, ultraviolet radiation is much more dangerous for a child than for an adult. Baby melanocytes are imperfect and do not protect the skin well. Sunburn can lead to a variety of disorders in the future: from dermatitis to oncology. However, it is better to protect children with SPF products intended for children. They are soft and hypoallergenic.

Do I need to use an SPF cream for owners of swarthy or dark skin?

On dark skin, sunburns and age spots appear less often. But that doesn't mean it shouldn't be protected. It is necessary, but the degree of protection may be lower.

Does self-tanning save?

No, no and NO! Self-tanners do not affect the production of melanin (protective pigment) in the skin at all. Their active ingredients react with the proteins of the horny cells, due to which they darken. But the resulting shade does not neutralize UV ​​rays. This is the work of melanin, which is created by nature for these purposes. Moreover, after applying self-tanning, the skin even becomes more vulnerable: the dark pigment physically attracts more sunlight, without preventing its aggression. The risk of burns is increased. Therefore, many manufacturers began to specifically indicate on their tanning products: "not intended for sun protection."

But do not rush to be afraid of the sun!

The sun's rays have a beneficial effect on our body, synthesizing the vitamin cholecalciferol, or D3, which is involved in many processes. To get it, it is enough to be in the sun for half an hour several times a week. At the same time, it is important not to be under the rays at the peak of activity - from 11 am to 2 pm. It is during this period that the sun is most active.

Since any sunscreen allows a small amount of sunlight to pass through, you should not worry that the cream interferes with the production of vitamin D in the body.
SPF in makeup
Nowadays, UV protection can be combined with make-up. Many manufacturers of decorative cosmetics began to add SPF factors to the composition of beauty products.
For urban life with a UV index of no higher than 6 and provided that you are exposed to direct sunlight while moving around the city at intervals of no longer than 5 minutes, decorative cosmetics with SPF filters are sufficient. But if you plan to stay in the sun for a long time, opt for specialized protective equipment.
For better protection, you can apply sunscreen before applying foundation. In this case, it is advisable to pause before applying decorative cosmetics so that the protective cream is absorbed. Try to apply foundation on top of sunscreen without mixing them. It is more convenient to do this with a sponge.
The SPF found in cosmetics is not enough to fully protect the skin. In foundation creams, the SPF factor rarely exceeds 30.
Face cream's SPF is not cumulative with powder's and foundation's SPF! If a sunscreen has an SPF of 30 and a foundation has an SPF of 20, for example, the protection index is 30.
Sunscreen nanoparticles penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and can affect the endocrine system.
According to the WHO definition, sunscreens do not disrupt the endocrine system. The European Commission's Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) has confirmed that nanoscale filters are completely safe and do not penetrate the skin's protective barrier.
Creams with a high degree of protection do not give a good tan.
Indeed, using products with SPF 30 - 50, you darken slowly. However, this tan goes on smoother, lasts longer, and has a beautiful bronze-honey tint.
The use of a low protection factor provokes an “excessive” production of melanin. It does not always optimally fit well on the skin, it spreads randomly over it and, for the most part, in the upper layers. Because of this, the illusion is created that you quickly tanned. In this case, the skin becomes red-brown, dull and dry. The fact is that with ultraviolet stress, the so-called scarlet melanin is produced first (and only then black and yellow, which give a beautiful, lasting tone). The red pigment protects the skin poorly, the tone gives an ugly, and besides, it is quickly and unevenly removed.
Sea water has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails due to the abundance of minerals.
For skin and nails, sea water is really useful. But only while you are in it. Useful components and ions are absorbed by cells only in dissolved form. As soon as the skin dries out, they begin to harm the skin by drawing moisture from the epidermis. Therefore, every time after bathing you need to take a fresh shower.
For hair, sea water is destructive in any manifestations.
Perfumes can cause pigmentation.
Some fragrances used to contain bergamot oil, which darkened the skin in the sun. But now this component is prohibited for use, and there is nothing to fear.
Iced champagne saves from the heat.
Just for a couple of minutes. Then the vessels will dilate, the blood will rush to the skin, and you will become even hotter. In addition, alcohol dehydrates the body, which already loses a lot of fluid during sunbathing.
Summing up
Answers to the most popular questions:
When is the sun most dangerous? How to protect yourself from its influence?
Do not go outside without protective equipment, especially between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., wear clothing that covers the skin, sunglasses and a hat with a brim.
Reapply sunscreen after getting out of the water. Even distribution will significantly increase the level of protection. Most people apply only 20-25% of the required amount of cream.
How to choose a sunscreen?
Carefully read the instructions for the protection product, pay attention to the SPF index and what type of skin it is intended for.
A cream should protect against broad spectrum rays, so look for the following information: UVA/UVB, PA+++++ (the more pluses, the more protection; the maximum number of pluses is 5) or "broad spectrum".
If you plan to swim in the sea, then look for the "water-resistant" mark on the package, however, after swimming, you still need to reapply the cream.
How to apply SPF? Should it be apply under clothing?
The cream should be applied along the massage lines with patting movements - no need to rub it aggressively.
Products with UV filters should be applied only to exposed areas of the skin - face, arms, legs.
Can I use SPF at night?
It does not make sense. The skin needs to rest at night. Products with SPF form a film on the skin, they need to be washed off. You can do this with milk for removing makeup, foam for washing, tonic.
Do SPF foundations clog pores?
Any foundation will clog pores, even the one that says “non-comedogenic.”
Do I have to wait for sunscreen to absorb into my skin?
SPF starts working right away! It is quite appropriate to use it on the beach.
Can body protector be applied to the face?
Only if there is no alternative. Body products have a denser, thicker texture. Their components clog pores and form a film, due to which metabolic processes are disturbed.
Do I need to use after-sun cream?
Not necessarily, but after-sun products are good for soothing irritation and moisturizing the skin. Some of these products are able to fix melanin in the skin, prolonging the life of a tan.
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